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Why should you be listed on YogaSF?

We believe YogaSF is the best way to reach yoga students and yoga enthusiasts in San Francisco.

Each month over 2,000 yoga enthusiasts visit YogaSF searching for new yoga studios, yoga classes, yoga teachers, yoga workshops and yoga events in San Francisco. Advertising your practice in the directory connects you directly to new students while they are in the process of seeking out information. This is one of the most effective forms of marketing.

Top rank on search engines. YogaSF ranks at the top of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. What does that mean for you? When locals search for yoga, yoga studios, yoga teachers, or yoga workshops in San Francisco, YogaSF comes up at the top of the search queries. Having a listing in theYogaSF directory means the people you are looking to connect with will find you.

You have a website, but do students find it online? Adding a listing in the YogaSF directory means your website will be seen. Studios and teachers listed onYogaSF see their website traffic increase quickly after adding a listing to the directory. In most casesYogaSF quickly becomes one of their main sources of visitors .

It’s all about focus. YogaSF is focused on communicating with the people you really want to reach local yoga enthusiasts.

Sign Up in 4 Quick Steps Today!

(It takes the average user less than 10 minutes to register online)

  1. Choose the section
  2. Choose your package
  3. Create your account & ad
  4. Subscribe securely using Visa, Mastercard, Discovery, American Express or Paypal

Step 1 Choose Section

Please choose which section of the directory you would like to advertise in:

  • Studio/Classes Listing


Advertising in this section will also include your ad in the Neighbourhood and Style/Type section


  • Calendar Listing


Advertising in this section will allow you to post in the events, workshop, conference, YTT, and Travel section.


  • Teacher Listing


Advertising in this section will also include your ad in the Style/Type section


  • Classified Listing


Advertising in this section will allow you to post in the Classifieds section.
